Roulette Analyzer
By Ion Saliu, Bright Rouletteer At-Large
1. BrightR - High-Power Integrated Roulette Software
First, you need to become a registered member of this Web site (for a reasonable membership fee). You can download the software from your dedicated membership pages. The membership pages have also clear instructions on downloading, installing, and running the software.Roulette Sniper (Roulette Sniper.exe). Roulette Sniper will make you win roulette over and over. 100% Risk free, and free to try. If you are not a raper of the roulette table and taking home serious killer cash, then you need roulette sniper right now. This is the #1 roulette strategy available today. Roulette Analyzer. RoyalDoyle Blackjack Analyzer. RoyalDoyle Blackjack Analyzer is a professional grade statistical analysis tool that can be used to. Roulette Analyzer counteracts that by using 3 inputs to easily input losses. Likewise, The software also keeps track of your losses and displays the history in the upper right hand corner. Winning at Roulette video lessons for beginners Find out why most Roulette players lose how can you win with the zero where are all the numbers on the table, how to place your chips tips for using at the casino or online try these systems plans strategy strategies including red and black dozens odds even rows dozens.
It is also recommended to visit and read all the valuable information on the main software site. BRIGHTR belongs to software category 5.5.
The main menus are as follows:
Start by creating a roulette data file or the real-spins file. It is the easiest possible step. The files are in ASCII (text) format. You can use any text editor to create a file, including MDIEditor and Lotto WE, or Notepad (comes free with Windows).
Blackjack Analyzer Free
The roulette data file consists of real casino spins. That is, you must record the spins manually, while in a casino. Or, you might be able to find Web sites that offer real casino spins or actuals. Keep in mind that most casinos refuse to make public real results recorded at their roulette tables!
The data file must have exactly 1 roulette number per line. This software bundle comes with two data files with real roulette spins recorded at the Hamburg, Germany casino (Spielbank) in 2000 and 2006. Filenames: HAMB00.DAT and HAMB0106.WH1.
When updating the data file, keep in mind this rule: the latest (the most recent) roulette spin always goes to the top of the file, becoming the line number 1. The oldest spin is the bottom line in the file. If your data file is not in this order, you need to use the included program UpDown. It reverses the order in a text file: the bottom becomes the top of the file.
2. The Main Programs and Functions
- T = Statistical Analysis, Systems
- runs SuperRoulette
- performs statistical analyses of every roulette number, including the skips
- checks the roulette systems presented on the page dedicated to the Super Roulette Strategy (best-roulette-systems.html)
H = Half-Wheel Roulette Systems
- runs RouletteHemis (roulette hemispheres)
- checks the roulette systems presented on the page dedicated to the roulette strategy based on wheel halves (RouletteWheel.html)
F = Free Roulette System #1
- runs Spins (the oldest roulette program)
- performs statistical analyses of every roulette number, including the skips
- checks the roulette system Free #1 presented on the main roulette page (Roulette.htm)
B = Birthday Paradox System
- runs RouletteHemis
- checks the roulette systems presented on the page dedicated to the roulette strategy based on the Birthday Paradox (RouletteWheel.html, plus birthday-paradox.html)
S = Skip-Systems for Roulette
- runs SkipSystem
- checks the roulette systems presented on the page dedicated to the lottery, gambling, roulette strategies based on 'skips' (almighty_number.html, plus skip-strategy.html)
O = Over/Under Roulette Strategies
- runs UnderOverR
- checks the roulette systems presented on the page dedicated to the roulette strategy based on 'under/over 'skips' (almighty_number.html, plus gambling-lottery-lotto/software-horses.htm).
Roulette Number Analyzer
* I highly recommend that you do the following. Put together all the information I made available in one file. Copy and paste everything in one file. Then, edit that file, using your own words. That would be the best way to use my software, systems, and strategies.
* Read also one of the accompanying files: ReadMeR.TXT (or README.TXT).
3. Roulette: Software, Systems, Super Roulette Strategy
See a comprehensive directory of the pages and materials on the subject of roulette, software, systems, and the Super Strategy.- Theory, Mathematics of Roulette Systems, Strategies, Software.
- The Best-Ever Roulette Strategy, Systems based on mathematics of progressions and free-for-all.
- An inventory of free and outrageously pricedroulette systems from many gambling developers.
- Roulette Systems on Wheel Position, Sectors, SlotsBirthday Paradox.
- Roulette Number Pairing, Roulette Wheel Bias, Systems, Repetition, Casino Spins.
- 'Roulette System that Won Millions!'
~ Ion Saliu's roulette theory, systems, and software were pirated by an Australian gambling group. - Roulette System: Wheel Halves, Sectors, Layout, Bias Betting;
~ The original roulette system that was pirated and distributed at exorbitant prices. - Probability, Odds to Win Roulettein Various Number of Spins: To Be Ahead and Quit.
- The James Bond roulette system in the Taliban Desert.
- 'Roulette Systems', Threats from Casino Chairman.
- Anti-gambler Advice: John Patrick, Casino Mole, Conspirator.
- Wizard of Odds Had High Praise For Ion Saliu's Gambling Theory.
- Casinos pay troubled individuals to intimidate intelligent gambling system authors.
- Roulette Software, Casino Spins, Systems.
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